Do not worry about anything.
What you are not certain about, you will become more certain about as your time moves forward.
Convey the truth as you know it, be yourself, share what you feel, what you think.
It will change one day, but it may still be valid now.
Tune in to the person in front of you.
Be in the heart: it knows what to do and what to say.
No one knows -- and no one needs -- the whole story. They need the part, the chapter where they are at.
If you are uncertain, be in silence. Let Spirit choose. You do not have to offer a whole library.
Perhaps only a flower, a hand to hold, a few words carefully chosen.
When you are fulfilled, you are like a pitcher that can fill other glasses.
All you have to do is put in a little tilt. The glass has to be under there willingly, and then it is perfect.
So it is flowing, so it is honest, so it is real. If it is real, it will prevail.
Where it is more difficult and uncertain, perhaps it is a time to wait.
To get more familiar with the waters in that part of the ocean?
Pretty soon you will be swimming in the depths and you will look back on the time of wondering how, and you will understand that you moved right through those waters.
Let this time be like the bird preparing to fly out of the nest, soar through the skies and discover a bigger reality.
Once the bird takes flight, the wings take over. They know just what to do.
Think of it as the dormant angel in you.
Open the wings of your heart and discover how good it feels to let them take you places.
To take you into the glory of a New Morning!
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